The “Wire Garden” can be found in the Newark Street Community Garden in Washington DC. There are 220 garden plots delineated by wire fencing initiated to protect the gardener’s bounty from an urban deer population. This photo collage project places the focus on the serendipitous visual qualities of wire fencing as it has been changed or repaired over the years. It celebrates the way individual actions enhance and foster a diverse community of gardeners accommodating a wide range of horticultural choices, skills and efforts. 2015-2021

Wire Garden #11 16"X25.7" 2015

Wire Garden #3 16" x 25.75" 2015

Wire Garden #10 16"X25.7" 2015

Wire Garden #9 16"X25.7" 2015

Wire Garden #4 16" X 25.75" 2015

Wire Garden #1 16"X25.75" 2015